

Introduction to the course by Prof Alan Jackson

Malnutrition eLearning Course

If children with malnutrition are to be successfully treated, the doctors and other health professionals need to have received the detailed training on how to manage childhood malnutrition.

Based on the World Health Organization’s guidelines, this course, produced by Southampton University, provides you with this training.

In the first module you will learn the definition and classification of malnutrition, the visible and invisible changes caused by malnutrition and why malnourished children need different care from other children. In the second module you will learn how to assess and screen children for malnutrition, and in the third module how to manage children with malnutrition. These will include the ten steps for successful management, how community- and facility-based approaches can be integrated to widen coverage and why common conditions such as gastroenteritis, pneumonia and malaria have to be treated differently when there is coexisting malnutrition.

The benefits of the course include:

  • High quality interactive learning (we are receiving great feedback)
  • Content based on the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for the management of Severe Acute Malnutrition;
  • Authored and reviewed by experts from the University of Southampton and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine;
  • Designed to be suitable for undergraduate and in-service training for different health professionals;
  • Assessment and feedback on the performance;
  • Certificate of completion can be printed when course is completed;
  • Freely available.

If you would like to undertake the course please click here to register for the course on the Southampton University website.  The course takes 6-8 hours to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact us with your query

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